Asphodeline tenuior
Asphodeline tenuior
Ssp tenuiflora: Tesbihcik
Perennial. Flowering stems 20-35 cm, slender, ± ascending to erect, ± striate to sulcate, ± puberulent-scabrid or glabrous, leafy to the ± middle or all leaves basal. Leaves ± setaceous, margins usually densely scabrid and minutely ciliate in membranous expanded part. Inflorescence simple or with 1-2 branches, laxly flowered. Bracts 10-20 mm, shortly deltoid to lanceolate, long-aristate or cuspidate. Fruiting pedicels 10-15 mm, ± erect to spreading, jointed usually at or above the middle, rarely below, shorter or longer than bracts. Perianth segments 17-20 mm, whitish, outside of outer segments occasionally ± pinkish. Capsule globose to obovoid, occasionally± umbilicate at apex, 6-8 mm, smooth. Fl.5-6. Steppe, gypsaceous and clayey slopes, dry open places, 1050-1700 m.
1. Stems glabrous or bearing only a few hairs ..............................var. tenuiflora
2. Stems ± densely puberulent-scabrid, at least just above leafy part ......var. puberulenta