Delphinium formosum

Delphinium formosum

 Gür hezaren

Many-stemmed perennial, 60-180 cm, adpressed-pilose or glabrescent. Leaves palmatifid, segments pinnately lobed and incised, the middle segment 15-20 mm broad at base. Raceme ovate-oblong, 6-10 cm broad. Bractsand bracteoles ovate-oblong, all entire. Flowers 3-4.5 cm, deep violet-blue; sepals glabrous or puberulent outside, pilose within; petals purplish black, the lower pair with yellow beard. Spur a little shorter than the sepals, attenuated, horizontal with the apex often incurved. Follicles tomentose or glabrous. Fl. 7-8. Meadows, stream sides, coarse scree, 1500-2700 m.
Endemic; of doubtful affinities. Euxine element
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