Veronica triphyllos

Veronica triphyllos

 Bahçe mavişi

Erect annual 5-13 cm, usually with several long, spreading, ascending branches. Stems often tinged blue, densely puberulent with patent or retrorse straight hairs , intermingled with scattered longer glandular hairs. Leaves petiolate , dark green, often purple-violet beneath, ± sparsely pubescent, often glandular; lamina of lower leaves ovate to triangular, 5-7 x 3-6 mm, coarsely crenate, of upper 8-12 x 8-12 mm in outline, deeply palmately 5-pinnatifid, central lobe suborbicular to spathulate, lateral linearoblong, obtuse. Racemes lax, 6-c 15-flowered, densely eglandular-puberulent and glandular-pubescent . Petiole of bracts 1-2 mm; lower bracts deeply 5-palmatifid, upper 3-fid with linear-subspathulate lobes, glandular-pubescent. Pedicels 4-11 mm, 0,5-1 x bracts, patent or ± arcuatea-scending. Calyx 4-6 mm in fruit, lobes linear-oblanceolate, sometimes with basal teeth, glandular-pubescent. Corolla deep blue, 5-9 mm diam. Style 0,9-1,3 mm, subequalling sinus. Capsule suberect, transversely elliptic, slightly inflated, 4-5 x 5-6,5 mm, subequalling calyx, glandular-pubescent near keel, otherwise subglabrous, base truncate, sinus acute . Seeds suborbicular, 1,3-2 x 0,9-2 mm, thin, cymbiform, slightly rugulose, dark brown or blackish. Fl. 3-5. Pinus forests, stony pastures, rocky hills, banks, sandy fields, garden, roadsides, 100-2000 m.
Europe. Probably native in Anatolia.
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