Plantago holosteum

Plantago holosteum

Perennial, 4-20 cm . Root thick, 5-10 cm; rhizome 2.5 cm diam. Rosettes densely leafy. Leaves 15-100 x 1-1.5 mm, narrowly linear, rigid, trigonous, acute,3-nerved, distinctly hairy or villous with setulose-ciliate margins. Scapes 1-14 cm, often exceeding leaves, erect, descending or arcuate, white-hairy. Spikes 0.5-5 cm, cylindrical or ovoid, ± lax at base, dense at apex. Lower bracts lanceolate, acuminate, veins dark; upper very acute, with thickened keel, ciliate at apex. Anterior sepals 2.5 mm, elliptic-ovate or broadly elliptic, ±concave, keel thickened; posterior plicate-concave, ovate, keel hairy. Corolla lobes c. 1.5 mm, ovate, long-acuminate, midrib conspicuous, sometimes reddish-purple. Capsule ellipsoid. Ovules 3, but usually only 1 seed maturing. Fl. 6-8. Alpine meadows, subalpine regions, rocky limestone slopes, waysides, sandy soil, 1200-2500 m.
S. Europe. Medit. element. 
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