Circaea lutetiana


Circaea lutetiana


Rhizomatous perennial, 15-60 cm. Leaves ovate, 4-10 cm, sparsely strigulose, obscurely and remotely denticulate, rounded or slightly cordate at the base; petioles 1-10 cm, furrowed but not winged. Axis of inflorescence elongating before the flowers drop. Bracteoles usually absent. Hypanthial tube 1-1,2 mm, c. as long as ovary. Petals 2-4 mm. Fruit 3-4 x 2-2,5 mm, bilocular. Fl. 6-9. Shady banks, etc., in deciduous or coniferous forest, 50-2100 m.
Europe, N. Africa, C. & E. Asia, N. America.
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