Gagea lojaconoi

Gagea lojaconoi


Bulb with dark brown tunic, without thickened roots, new bulb forming beside old. Basal leaves 2, emerging in autumn, linear, 1.5-2.5 mm broad, canaliculate, decumbent, much exceeding inflorescence. Inflorescence corymbose, 3-11 cm, glabrous. Cauline leaves glabrous, lanceolate, alternate, lowest not subtending a flower. Bracteoles glabrous or sparsely long-ciliate. Flowers 1-7, nodding in bud. Perianth segments usually reddish outside, 8-10 mm, elongating to 12 mm after flowering, 3-veined, obtuse. Capsule obovoid. Fl.2-4. Open woods, scrub and stony places, 50-1450 m.

Balkans, Sicily, Italy, N. Africa. Medit. element.

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