Geranium tuberosum
Geranium tuberosum
Erect perennial, 12-30 cm, rhizome slender and swollen into suborbicular terminal and distantly intercalary tubers. Basal leaves palmatisect to the base; segments rhombic to oblong-linear, deeply 1-2 pinnatifid or toothed. Stems pubescent, leafless below the pair of opposite, shortly petiolate leaves at the first dichotomy. Inflorescence a mainly bifurcating bracteate corymb of cymes, usually with a 2-flowered peduncle in the axil of the first dichotomy. Sepals 6-7 mm, puberulent and often villous; awn c. 1 mm. Petals deeply notched, 9-13 mm, mauve. Beak abruptly contracted into a 0,2-0,5 mm style. Mericarps pubescent. Seed smooth.
A very variable species in S.W. Asia, even in the narrow sense adopted here.
1. Inflorescence narrowly dichotomous, narrower than height of stem; leaf segments 1-2-pinnatifid; sepals ± villous, awn 0,5-1,5 mm .............................................................subsp. tuberosum
1. Inflorescence widely dichotomous, broader than height of stem; leaf segments 1-pinnatifid or toothed; sepals not or scarcely villous, awn 0,2-0,3 mm ...............subsp. deserti-syriacum