Geranium purpureum
Geranium purpureum
Aromatic annual, 15-45 cm, pilose, often reddish. Leaves opposite, pedately trisect to the base, 2-4 cm diam.; segments deeply pinnatifid into obtusely lobulate divisions; upper leaves distinctly petiolate. Pedicels glandular-pubescent. Sepals connivent in fruit, 4-6,5 mm, ± glandular-pubescent; awn 1,2 mm. Petals 5-10 mm, purplish pink, limb obovate-elliptic, nearly 2 x longer than broad, gradually narrowed into a long claw. Pollen yellow. Mericarps with 3-4 overlapping ridges above, shallowly and reticulately ridged below, pubescent or glabrous, remaining attached to the beak by silky strands. Fl. 3·4. Rocky or shady places, screes, banks, fields, s.l-2200 m
S. & W. Europe, N. Africa, W. Syria, Caucasia, N. Iran; naturalised in New Zealand.