Geranium psilostemon

Geranium psilostemon

 Zarif ıtır

Rhizomatous perennial, 20-100 cm. Stems retrorsely pubescent. Basal leaves palmatifid to 3/4-4/5; segments rhombic, pinnately lobed and incised-dentate. Pedieels glandular-pubescent, erect in fruit. Sepals patently glandular-pilose, 8-10 mm; awn 2-4,5 mm. Petals obovate, entire or retuse, 15-23 mm, magenta-carmine with a purplish-black base. Mericarps puberulent. Seeds punctulate. Fl. 6-9. Picea forest, scrub, meadows, 1400-2400 m.
W. Caucasia. Euxine element. A very distinct and beautiful species.
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