Erodium gaillardotii

Erodium gaillardotii

Bozkır iğneliği

Crisply canescent perennial, caudex vertical, clothed in old stipules, the taproot probably bearing a globose tuber. Basal leaves oblong or ovate-oblong, pinnately lobed or lyrately trisect or pinnatisect, the long terminal segment pinnatifid, all segments crenate. Pedicels and calyx patently glandular-pubescent. Sepals 5,5-7 mm; awn 0,2 mm. Petals a little longer than sepals, pinkish white when dry. Beak of fruit c. 4 cm. Fl. 6. Hilly steppe, 1380 m.

Syrian Desert. Ir.-Tur. element.


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