Vicia parviflora

Vicia parviflora

 Çiçek baklası

Syn: V.laxiflora
Slender subglabrous annual, 10-30 cm, ascending-scrambling. Leaflets 2-3- paired, 6-30 x 2 mm, the lowermost shortly elliptic, the rest narrowly linear-lanceolate, acute to acuminate; stipules semi-hastate or -sagittate, the uppermost sometimes linear; tendrils simple. Peduncle longer than leaf, 1-4-flowered. Flowers 6-7 mm, purple or lilac. Calyx c. 3 mm, teeth slightly unequal, somewhat shorter than tube, lanceolate-triangular. Legume linear, 12-19 x 3 mm, compressed, sparsely pilose to usually glabrous. Seeds 5-7, hilum ½ of the perimeter or less. Fl. 3-5. Pinus brutia forest, macchie, hillsides, coastal sands, roadsides, s.l.-200 m.
Medit. area. Medit. element. 
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