Hippocrepis unisiliquosa


Hippocrepis unisiliquosa


Ssp bisiliqua: İkiz atnalı; Ssp unisiliqua: Atnalı
Annual, 5-50 cm. Leaflets 3-6-paired. Petiolar glands present or not. Flowers 1-2, subsessile in the axils of the upper leaves. Corolla 5-8 mm, yellow. Lomentum 30-45 x 2-6 mm, arcuate or not, 6-13-seeded. Fl. 3-5. Open ground in fields or amongst scrub, s.I.-900 m.
1. Lomenta 3,5-6,0 mm wide, often 10-seeded or more, arcuate or ± straight; flowers 1 in the leaf axils ....subsp. unisiliquosa
1. Lomenta 2-3 mm wide, 6-10-seeded, arcuate; flowers 2-3 in the leaf axils ..........................................subsp. bisiliqua
Distribution of species: Mediterranean area, S.W. Asia. Subsp. unisiliquosa may be 1- or 2-flowered but always has lomenta more than 3,5 mm wide.
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