Silene otites

Silene otites


Biennials or perennials. Plants usually dioecious. Flowers in compound panicles, smaIl,the lateral branches congested into pseudo-verticels. Female flowers without obvious stamen rudiments. Petals usually ± entire. Erect biennial or perennial herbs, with crisp, non-glandular hairs, sometimes viscid above. Lower leaves spathulate, obovate or oblanceolate, cauline leaves oblanceolate, often with sterile shoots in their axils. Inflorescence with a long main axis, the flowers pedicellate in distant pseudo-verticels. Calyx 3,5-6 mm, glabrous, shortly setose or puberulous. Petals pale greenish or yellowish, usually entire. Anthophore c. 1 mm. Capsule 4-8 x 3-4·5 mm, exserted from and sometimes bursting out of the calyx. Fl. 6-7. Steppe, fields, dunes, s.I.-1600 m.
Most of Europe, Caucasia, N. Iran, Siberia. 
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