Silene odontopetala

Silene odontopetala


Perennial herb, often with a very woody rootstock, 5-30 cm, densely papillose and hairy, the indumentum often short. Basal leaves oblanceolate to obovate, c. 3 cm, sometimes long-petiolate and up to 10 cm. Cauline leaves smaller, lanceolate, oblong or narrowly ovate. Inflorescence few-flowered or flowers solitary. Calyx 12-18mm, puberulous, becoming inflated and c. 10mm broad at the apex in fruit. Petals whitish to pinkish, the limb bipartite, the lobes sometimes toothed. Anthophore 2-5 mm. Capsule 7-9 mm, included in the calyx. Fl. 6-9. Rocks, cliffs, mountain pastures, 1500-4000 m.
Lebanon, Anti-Lebanon, N. Iraq, Syrian Desert, N. & N.W. Iran, Arabia, Sinai. 
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