Minuartia decipiens

Minuartia decipiens

 Cenup tıstısı

Like M. montana but 4-25 cm tall; stems pruinose-velutinous; leaves linear-lanceolate, 5-7-veined, without a membranous margin or white crisped hairs; inflorescence of many rather remote loose or dense clusters; bracts not exceeding the clusters; flowers often spreading or deflexed; calyx truncate at base; sepals linear-triangular, finely and densely glandular-pubescent; petals 1/2-3/4 as long as sepals; staminal glands appearing as swellings at the bases of the outer stamens; seeds 2-5 per capsule, 0,9-1 mm. Fl. 4-5. Rocks and stony places, 50-1300 m.
All the Turkish material belongs to subsp. decipiens, which also occurs in Latakia&Palestine and the Syrian Desert; subsp. damascena McNeill occurs in Cyprus, Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon, and is distinguished by its minute petals and shorter stems.
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