Valerianella oxyrhyncha

Valerianella oxyrhyncha

Dik kuzugevreği

Height 6-12 cm, lower leaves withered in fruit, 11-35 x 1-8 mm, less toothed than average. Inflorescence loose, much branched, corymbose; in fruit the branches persistent and sometimes resembling basketry. Bracts herbaceous, 3-6 x 0.5-1 mm below; smaller, ± webbed and more membranous above. Flowers pale lilac. Fruit c. 4 mm overall with 1-2 straps up to 3 mm, the ovary 1 mm wide. Fl. 5-6. Rocky outcrops and slopes, cultivated fields, 450-2150 m.

Caucasia, Palestine, Iraq, N., W. & C. Iran, Afghanistan, W. Pakistan, C. Asia. Ir.-Tur. element.

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