Aethionema saxatile


Aethionema saxatile


Çatlak kayagülü
Biennial or monocarpic perennial, several-stemmed, flowering branches simple 10-12 cm, glabrous, glaucous. Leaves blue-green, thickish, linear-lanceolate, entire, subpetiolate, overlapping each other; lower leaves usually broader, ovate. Petals white or pink, 3-6.5 x 1-2.5 mm. Filaments usually dentate, not connate. Inflorescence elongating in fruit. Fruits often heterocarpic. Dehiscent fruits ovate to round, 8-10 x 5-7 mm, on horizontally spreading or recurved pedicels, 3-5 mm; wings entire or slightly erose-dentate. Style shorter than or slightly exceeding sinus. Seeds 2-4, papillose, not mucilaginous. Indehiscent fruits 1-seeded. Radicle obliquely accumbent. Fl. 4-5. Stony slopes, 600-1000 m.
1. At least 40% of fruits unilocular; leaves 1,5-2,5 x as long as broad subsp. creticum . E. Medit. element.)
1. Usually less than 40% of fruits unilocular; leaves 2-4-2 x as long as broad subsp. oreophilum and adjacent parts of Albania, Bulgaria and Jugoslavia. E. Medit. element.)
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