Aethionema karamanicum


Aethionema karamanicum


Karaman kayagülü
Many-stemmed, perennial with woody rootstock. Flowering stems 15-20 cm, erect or ascending. Leaves alternate, linear-lanceolate, mostly confined to sterile shoots, 12-20 x 1.5-2 mm. Inflorescence subcapitate, compact, elongating in fruit. Sepals 2-2.5 mm, scarcely saccate. Petals purple. as long as sepals, 1-nerved at base. Filaments free. winged, dilated at base; anthers apiculate. Ovary bilocular, 1-ovulate in each loculus. Fruiting pedicels adpressed to axis, 3-5 mm. Siliculae obovate ororbicular, cymbiform, imbricate, 6.5-8 x 6.5-7.5 mm; wings 3-4 mm, entire; sinus 2-2.5 mm; style c. 1 min. Seeds 1-2, slightly papillose. Fl. 7. Stony slopes on mountain steppe, 1250-1300 m.
Endemic. E. Medit. element
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