Myosotis sylvatica
Myosotis sylvatica
Ssp cyanea: Unutmabeni; Ssp rivularis: Keleş unutmabeni
Biennial to perennial, to 50 cm, stem branched, adpressed pilose above, hairs spreading below. Leaves to 11 x 3 cm, lanceolate to elliptic, basal ± petiolate. Pedicels to 10 mm, erecto-patent. Calyx to 5 mm in fruit, with hooked ± retrorse and fine straight hairs, rounded base and narrowly triangular open lobes, deciduous. Limb of corolla to 7 mm diam., flat, bright blue. Nutlets to 2 x 1·2 mm, ovoid, black, acute, with indistinct rim, attachment scar 'small, irregularly reniform.
1. Nutlets to 1·2 mm; leaves narrow, to 1·5 cm broad subsp. cyanea
1. Nutlets to 2 mm; leaves to 3·5 cm broad ..................subsp. rivularis element. Subsp. sylvatica occurs in most parts of Europe)