Myosotis arvensis
Myosotis arvensis
Kardeş boncuğu
Ssp arvensis
Annual to biennial, to 50 cm, often branched at base. Basal leaves to 8 x 1,5 cm, oblanceolate, subsessile. Lower part of stem with patent hairs, upper part with adpressed antrorse hairs. Pedicels antrorsely directed in fruit, lower ones to 1 cm, upper ones shorter. Calyx to 7 mm in fruit, with connivent lobes and with many patent hooked hairs, deciduous. Limb of corolla to 3 mm diam., saucer-shaped, bright blue. Nutlets to 1·5 mm, blackish, acute, with a rim, attachment scar small, obliquely triangular. Fl. 4-7. Dry to moist places, often ruderal. s.I.-1400 m.
Throughout Europe. Euro-Sib. element. Subsp. arvensis is perhaps only introduced in Turkey.