Melanortocarya obtusifolia
Melanortocarya obtusifolia
Gök sormuk
Sin: Nonea obtusifolia
Hispid-setose, eglandular annual. Stems 5-30 cm. Leaves obovate-oblong to oblong, obtuse, 2-6 x 0.6-1.5 cm, entire or weakly repand; cauline decurrent. Calyx c. 4 mm, divided to c. 1/2 , lobes triangular, acute; fruiting calyx 7-11 mm. Corolla bluish, 4-5 mm, hypocrateriform, limb erecto-patent, 3-5 mm diam., 1/3 x tube; scales and throat long-hairy, tube sparsely hairy inside; annulus hairy. Filaments inserted near base of tube; anthers 0·75 mm, included. Nutlets erect, oblong-ovoid, 3-4 x 2 mm, puberulent, black, glossy, nearly smooth, beak erect, basal ring collar-like, smooth. Fl. 3-5. Fallow fields and field margins, vineyards, s.l.-50m.
Bulgaria, Greece, Lebanon, Palestine. E. Medit. element.