Heterocaryum rigidum
Heterocaryum rigidum
Diri gürke
Syn: H.szovitsianum
Annual herb. Stems procumbent to erect, 12-28 cm, much-branched, densely patent-hispid. Leaves subadpressed-hispid; basal to 10 x 4 cm, ovate-spathulate; cauline 20-45 x 2.5-5 mm, linear, ± densely crowded. Inflorescence usually branched; flowers subsessile at anthesis, pedicels strongly accrescent and thickened in fruit, to 8 mm. Calyx lobes linear to triangular, acute. Corolla deep blue, tube c; 2 mm, limb saucer-shaped, c. 2.2 mm diam. Nutlets distinctly unequal, lateral pair to 8 x 5 mm, disc tuberculate, margin prolonged into cupshaped wing with 4-6 glochidiate spines on each side; second pair narrower, to 6 x 2 mm, lacking marginal wing. Fl. 4-6. Weed of fallow fields, 360-2050 m.
S.W. & C. Asia from Syrian Desert to Pakistan and western Tian-Shan. Ir.Tur. element.