Inula orientalis

Inula orientalis

 Şark andızotu 

Rhizomatous perennial. Stems erect, 40-60 cm, ± densely leafy, unbranched, sparsely hirsute with spreading yellow or brown hairs and minute glands. Leaves ovate-elliptic or oblanceolate, 5-12 x 1,5-4 cm, acute, semi-amplexicaul, rounded or somewhat attenuate at base, margin denticulate or weakly serrate, minutely glandular and yellowish-pilose on both surfaces but more densely so above. Capitula solitary, radiate. Involucre 2,5-3 cm broad; phyllaries subequal, 4-5-seriate; outer linear-lanceolate, 7,5-12 x 1-1,5 mm, densely brown-pilose and minutely glandular; inner linear, 12-17 x 0,5-0,75 mm, brown-pilose above. Ray flowers c. 70; ligules 17-25 mm, often sparsely villous at base. Disc flowers 6,5-7 mm. Achenes 2-2,5 mm, obscurely ribbed, glabrous or pubescent at apex. Pappus brownish or sordid, 6,5-7 mm, hairs c. 25, scabrous, free at base. Fl. 7-8. On steep wet slopes and streamsides, 2000-2900 m.
Caucasia. Euxine element.
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