Coleostephus myconis

Coleostephus myconis


Erect annual. Stems 15-35 cm, usually branched above, sparsely villous pubescent. Leaves oblanceolate, spathulate or oblong, 1,5-5 x 0,3-1,5 cm, attenuate, semi-amplexicaul and shortly auriculate at base, obtuse or upper ones acute at apex, margin finely serrate, glabrous or sparsely villous beneath. Capitula solitary or 10 or more in lax corymbs. Involucre 1-1,5 cm broad; phyllaries oblong, subequal, 4,5-6 x 1-2,5 mm, obtuse, margins hyaline. Ray flowers 15-25, ligules 0,8-1,3 cm, yellow. Disc flowers 2-2,5 mm. Achenes of ray sterile, those of disc 2-2,5 mm, brown with whitish closely-set ribs, with pale sterile stipitate appendage at base; corona 2-2,5 mm, whitish. Fl. 3-7. In moist, soil and fallow fields, s.l.-150 m.
W. Medit., Crimea, W. Syria. Medit. element .
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