Chrysophthalmum montanum

Chrysophthalmum montanum

Stems erect, 20-40 cm, ± densely and silkily pubescent. Leaves elliptic or oblanceolate, 4-10 x 0,4-1,8 cm, acute, attenuate, subpetiolate at base, margins entire, ± prominently veined, minutely glandular and, particularly young basal leaves, densely sericeous. Involucre 0∙75-1 cm broad. Phyllaries linear-lanceolate, 3-4,5x0,75-1 cm, adpressed-pubescent and glandular. Paleae linear, c. 4 x 0,25 mm. Female flowers few, corollas c. 4 mm; corollas of hermaphrodite flowers 4,5-5 mm. Achenes 2 mm, dark brown, glabrous, rather glossy. Pappus white, c. 0,4 mm. Fl. 7-9. In rock crevices and limestone cliffs, 750-2200 m.
N. Iraq. Ir.-Tur. element.
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