Centaurea fenzlii

 Centaurea fenzlii


Biennial with thickened taproot. Stem erect, 40-120 cm, branched in upper part with few large capitula. Leaves firm, scabrous; basal ovate-rotundate, slightly cordate at base, petiolate, lower similar with broadly winged petiole, median and upper elliptical to linear, sessile and shortly decurrent. Involucre c. 30-40 x 30-50 mm. Appendages very large, totally concealing basal part of phyllaries, straw-coloured, firm, nearly orbicular with numerous 1-3 mm cilia . Flowers yellow.  Achenes c. 6 mm; pappus 6-10 mm. Fl. 6-7. Steppe, forests, fallow fields, 1150-1820 m.
Endemic. Ir. Tur. Element.
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