Ornithogalum narbonense

Ornithogalum narbonense


Scape to 80 cm. Leaves several, linear, to 16 mm broad, shorter than scape, usually persistent, margin entire to denticulate. Raceme cylindrical, with 25-75 flowers. Perianth segments 10-16 mm, white inside, white with a broad or narrow green fascia outside, connivent and twisted together after anthesis. Fruiting pedicels to 40 mm, strictly erect. Capsule ovoid or ovoid-cylindrical. 2n = 14. Slopes, fields, roadsides, waste places, s.l. -3000 m.
Mediterranean area, Transcaucasia, N.W., W. & S.W. Iran, N. Iraq. Medit. element.
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