Glaucosciadium cordifolium
Glaucosciadium cordifolium
Branched perennial 40-150 cm, with an acrid smell when bruised. Lowel leaves ovate-triangular, 10-40 x 7-25 cm, pinnae often ternately divided, segments broad-ovate, 1,8-8 x 1,8-9 cm, truncate or cordate at base, apex mucronate reticulately nerved; petiole shorter than rachis. Rays 5-13, unequal, somewhal indurated at base, 1-7,5 cm. Bracts scale-like, soon deciduous. Umbellules 15-25-flowered; outer flowers hermaphrodite on 2-7 mm pedicels, inner sterile, pedicels shorter. Fruit 10-12 x5-6,5 mm, lateral wings 1-1,5 mm. Fl. 8-9. Stony river banks, chalk screes and slopes, 300-1300 m.
Latakia, Cyprus.