Verbena supina


Verbena supina


Annual herb, 15-40 cm, prostrate or ascending, much-branched from base upwards, with numerous ± angular stems, vegetative parts ± densely furnished with white strigose hairs with an admixture of stalked glands. Median leaves triangular or ovate, 1.5-4 x 0.8-3 cm, bipinnatisect with lanceolate to broadly oblong segments. Spikes slender, elongating in fruit, rarely over 7 cm. Calyx 3 mm. Corolla 4-5 mm, pale lilac with a yellowish throat;limb c. 2.5 mm diam. Nutlets c. 2 mm, bluntly reticulate above. Fl. 5-10. Damp and marshy places, riverbanks, 360-1820 m.
N. Africa, S. & C. Europe, temperate Asia, N.E. tropical Africa. 
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