Salix pedicellata


Salix pedicellata


Ssp pedicellata: Pisiklik
Tall shrub or tree, 2-10 m. Twigs reddish-brown, torulose, glabrous or grey-tomentose when young. Decorticated wood with numerous prominent longitudinal ridges. Fertile buds convex, not flattened. Leaves broadly lanceolate, 3-4 x as long as broad, 4.5-12 x 1.5-3 cm, apex acute, margin serrate, crenate or subentire, green on both surfaces or glaucous beneath, subglabrous; stipules large, semi-cordate, dentate, caducous. Catkins appearing before leaves, cylindrical, 3-6 x 1-1.5 cm; male densely golden-hairy, ± sessile, stamens 2, filaments hairy beneath, anthers 0.5-0.7 mm; female on short 3-12 mm stalks, 4-9 em in fruit, rachis white-hairy; capsule conical, greenish, glabrous , borne on a long pedicel 2-4.5 mm exceeding nectary by 6-8 x. Fl. 4-5. Streamsides, damp places, on limestone and granite slopes, 15-1500 m.
N.W. Africa, S. Spain, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta, Latakia, Lebanon. Medit. element. 
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