Asperula pestalozzae

Asperula pestalozzae 

Has belumotu
Caespitose semi-shrub, with prostrate stems and ascending to erect, basally densely leafy, flowering and vegetative branches. Flowering stems 20-60 cm, quadrangular, glabrous to somewhat puberulent or scabrid-hispid in their lower parts, with condensed basal and elongate upper internodes. Leaves 4-15 x 0.3-0.75 mm, linear to filiform, mucronate to aristate, with hyaline tips to c. 0.7 mm and strongly revolute margins, scabrid to hispid or nearly glabrous, ± spreading to recurved. Flowers in head-like cymes terminating branched axes of inflorescence, rarely in 1-2 intercalary verticillasters. Bracts 2-4 mm, lanceolate to ovate, mostly aristate, finely denticulate to entire, glabrous. Corolla pale pink, 2-3 mm, infundibular, with tube 2 x as long or only somewhat shorter than the ovate-oblong, acute lobes, ± hispid outside, sometimes nearly glabrous. Ovary papillose. Mericarps c. 2 mm, verrucose, dark brown. Fl. 7-8. Rocky slopes and steppes, limestone, sandstone, marl and clay, 300-2300 m.
Endemic. Euxine element. 
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