Rosa canina

Rosa canina


Erect shrub, 1,5-3,5 m, sometimes climbing; branches often curved or arched. Prickles rather coarse, ± curved, compressed with a dilated base, ± uniform, occasionally lacking. Leaves dull to pure green; leaflets 5-7, narrowly elliptic to broadly ovate, 1-4,5 x0,8-3,5 cm, obtuse to acute with a rounded to cuneate base, glabrous to pubescent, at least beneath, sometimes with some glands on the nerves beneath, uni- or bi-serrate, occasionally glandular-biserrate, teeth distinct, usually long and acute, 17-20 on each side; stipules narrow to broad, usually with long straight auricles. Flowers solitary or 2-15 together, bracts often broad. Pedicels 1-2,5 cm, smooth or glandular-hispid. Sepals ovate, often with a rather short apically dilated tip, outer sepals pinnatifid with narrowly to broadly lanceolate, entire or glandular-toothed lobes, glabrous, pubescent or occasionally with glands on the back, usually reflexed and deciduous soon after anthesis. Petals up to 3 cm, white to pale pink, rarely deep pink. Styles often long, exserted, usually glabrous to sparsely hairy, occasionally villous, stigma-head ± loose, globose to conoidal; disc broad, conoidal, orifice narrow. Hypanthia ovoid to globose, 1-2,5 cm, yellowish red to pure red, ripening late. Fl. 5-7. Banks, rocky slopes, scrub, hedges, forests and clearings, mainly on limestone, 30-1700 m.
Distribution of species: temperate Eurasia, N.W. Africa. 
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