Primula algida

Primula algida


Farinose or efarinose, otherwise glabrous perennial, 2.5-21 cm. Leaves 1.0-9.5 x 0.3-2.0 cm, oblong-elliptic, obovate or oblanceolate, tapering below, scarcely petioled, margin usually finely denticulate. Inflorescence umbellate, 4-many-flowered. Bracts usually longer than pedicels, ± linear-lanceolate, often spreading and eventually reflexed. Pedicels 1-6 mm, unequal. Calyx 4-8 mm, cylindrical-campanulate, divided to about ½ into oblong to triangular lobes. Corolla tube ± equal to calyx, lobes 3-6 mm, deeply bilobed, lilac-pink to deep mauve. Capsule oblong, somewhat shorter than to slightly exceeding calyx. Fl. 5-8. Rock ledges, mossy banks, wet pastures, 2000-3600 m.

N. Iraq, Caucasia, N. Iran, Afghanistan, C. Asia. 



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