Polypodium interjectum


Polypodium interjectum


Kaya elverdisi
Sin: P.vulgare ssp prionodes
Epiphytic or saxicolous with creeping rhizome covered with brown chaffy scales. Frond linear-lanceolate to ovate-Ianceolate, deeply pinnatifid, with 5-25 leaf lobes on each side, petiole shorter than lamina, smooth. Sori naked, circular or oval in a single row on either side of the main vein of the pinna. The P. vulgare complex has been investigated cytologically in Europe, but no counts are available from material from Turkey except for a tetraploid hybrid, P. australe vulgare subsp. prionodes, recorded by Shivas from Istanbul. The two taxa here treated as subspecies are often treated at specific rank. The material falls into the same morphological groups and presents the same problems of what status to accord them as in western Europe.
I. Veinlets of lowermost pinnae 1-2-furcate; indurated cells of annulus 10-13 in number subsp. vulgare
I. Veinlets of lowermost pinnules 2-3-furcate; indurated cells of annulus 9-11 in number subsp. prionodes
Europe north to Baltic and British Isles, eastwards to N. Iran. 
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