Elymus farctus


Elymus farctus


Ssp bessarabicus: Sahil cicorası; Ssp farctus: Cicora; Ssp rechingeri: Kum cicorası
Rhizomatous perennial. Stems 30-60 cm, rigid, glabrous. Leaves 2-5 mm broad, ± convolute or flat with inrolled margins, rigid, glaucous-green, densely and minutely pubescent on ribs of upper surface, glabrous beneath; auricles absent. Spike 15-25 cm; rachis fragile, glabrous on main angles. Glumes 10-18 mm, narrowly lanceolate or oblong, 5-12-veined, keeled, glabrous, obtuse. Lemma 10-18 mm, glabrous, obtuse. Anthers 4-10 mm, F1. 6-8. Maritime sands, nr s.l.
I. Rhizomes usually long-creeping; palea ciliate nearly throughout whole length of keels subsp. farctus
2. Leaf sheaths glabrous; glumes 6-12-veined; lower floret usually 12-18 mm var. farctus 
2. Leaf sheaths densely and minutely pubescent; glumes c. 5-veined; lower floret usually 10-12 mm var. sartorii 
1. Rhizomes few, shortly creeping, forming tufts, or absent; palea ciliate only in upper half of keels
3. Rhizomes absent; culms and vegetative shoots usually conspicuously swollen at base; ligule short ; spikes 2-10 cm; rachis internodes usually shorter than lower spikelets; glumes 5-12 mm, 4-5-veined subsp. rechingeri
3. Rhizomes shortly creeping or absent; culms and vegetative shoots usually not swollen at base; ligule to 2.5 mm; rachis internodes usually longer than lower spikelets subsp. bessarabicus
4. Ligule usually 2-2.5 mm; rachis internodes considerably longer than lower spikelets; glumes 15-20 mm, 7-12-veined  var. bessarabicus , Aegean and N.E. Mediterranean Seas.)
4. Ligule 0.5-1 mm; rachis internodes as long as or slightly longer than lower spikelets; glumes 7-12 mm, 3-5-veined var. striatulus , Cyclades, Crete. E. Medit. element.)
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