Veronica debilis

Veronica debilis

Çöl mavişi

Annual, erect, 4-10 cm, often ± strongly branched, scarcely blackening when dry. Stems puberulent, eglandular. Leaves indistinctly petiolate, linear-oblong, oblanceolate, rarely oblong-elliptic, 3-13 x 1-4 mm, base long-cuneate, crenate near apex with usually 1-3 teeth per side or subentire, glabrous. Raceme 10-20-flowered, glandular-pubescent. Fruiting pedicels 6-15 mm, 2-3 x bracts, almost horizontally patent to erecto-patent, ± hooked upwards below fruit, with 5-7-celled 0,2-0,4 mm glandular hairs, glands not exceeding 0,05 mm, pale. Lower bracts ± leaf-like, crenate, middle and upper linear-spathulate, entire. Corolla blue in upper ½ , white in lower, 7-9 mm diam. Style 2,5-3,5 mm. Capsule hygrochastic, 2-3,5 x 3,5-5 mm, glandular-pubescent especially on keel, otherwise sparsely glandular or glabrous; base broadly truncate to subcordate; sinus 1/3-1/2 x capsule, acute to almost right-angled; style much exceeding sinus. Seeds 20-26, elliptic, 0,9-1,3 x 0,5-0,7 mm, almost flat with no chalazal podium, smooth, sticky when wet. Fl. 3-5. Quercus scrub, phrygana, steppe, fields, s.l.-1150 m. 
Syrian Desert. E. Medit. element.
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