Veronica ceratocarpa

Veronica ceratocarpa

Horon mavişi

Annual to ± perennial. Stems ± ascending, 5-30 cm, usually rooting at base, with 2-10 pairs of leaves. Petiole 1-3 mm, lamina orbicular to ovate, 8- 17 x 5-15 mm, base rounded or truncate, margin slightly serrate, pubescent, flat, ultimately becoming blackish when dry. Lower bracts leaf-like, upper smaller, lanceolate, serrate to entire. Pedicels 15-25 mm, 1,5-3 x bracts, reflexed at apex, usually with longer spreading hairs. Calyx lobes linear-Ianceolate, 5-8 x 1,5-3 mm in fruit, not overlapping laterally, herbaceous. Corolla pale blue, 10-14 mm diam. Style 2,5-4,5 mm. Capsule strongly compressed and keeled, 4 x 9-11 mm, 2-lobed, sinus broad, rounded, lobes acute or obtuse, conspicuously divergent, very prominently veined, usually glabrous, rarely eglandular-pubescent. Seeds 6-10, 2,3-2,7 x 2-2,6 mm, yellowish-brown, flat, very deeply reticulate-rugose, cerebroid, not excavate. Fl. 5-7. Deciduous mountain forests, c. 1000-1600m.
Caucasia, N. Iran . Hyrcano-Euxine element.
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