Plantago bellardii

Plantago bellardi


Annual, 2.5-8 cm. Leaves 5-50 x 2-3 mm, rosulate, erect, narrowly linear-lanceolate, entire, laxly or densely sericeous, apex ± obtuse, midrib distinct. Scapes 2-6 cm, ascending, arcuate, pilose. Spikes 0.4-2 cm. Lower bracts 3.5-7 mm, equalling or longer than sepals, upper often shorter, all with distinct hard kee1. Anterior sepals lanceolate-ovate, broadly keeled, upper margins villous, posterior 3.5 mm, elliptic-ovate, concave, keel narrower than anterior, upper margin and keel villous. Corolla tube c. 2.5 mm; lobes 1-1,5 mm, lanceolate-ovate, reflexed, acuminate, with light brown centres. Apex of anthers broad, membranous. Capsule globose, c. 2.5 mm. Seeds 2. Fl. 3-7. Open Pinus brutia forest, stony macchie, dry hills, very dry stony pasture, sandy dunes, s.l.-600 m.
S. Europe, W. part of Balkan Peninsula, Aegean, Cyprus, W. Syria, Iran, Iraq. E. Medit. element. 
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