Rhynchocorys orientalis

 Rhynchocorys orientalis

Koca filburnu

Annual, pubescent-villous. Stems erect, usually branched above, 20-50 cm. Leaves triangular-ovate to ovate, c. 6 x 2,8 cm, ± sessile, crenate to serrate. Inflorescence loosely racemose; flowers solitary in upper leafaxils. Pedicels spreading-erect, slender, c. 1,5 cm in flower, lengthening and spreading to reflexed in fruit. Calyx campanulate, c. 10 mm; tube 3 mm. Corolla yellow, c. 18 mm; tube c. 6 mm; upper lip with two lobes at base, beak 20 mm, strongly curved downwards, with a c. 2 mm broad lip at apex; lower lip c. 2 em broad, 2 lateral lobes broader than median. Capsule c. 9 x 10 mm, villous, suborbicular-emarginate; seeds c. 10, c. 3,6 x 2 mm, reticulate, striate. Alt. 1800-2000 m.
Caucasia. Euxine element. 
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