Orobanche elatior

Orobanche elatior

Boylu canavarotu

Stem 15-70 cm. Bracts usually equalling flowers. Calyx halves bidentate, rarely undivided, teeth acuminate, 3-veined, slightly more than half length of corolla tube. Corolla 15-26 mm, curved-infundibular, gradually enlarged above insertion of stamens, throat wide and spreading, first rose, then pale yellowish, rarely lemon-yellow, finely glandular-pilose; whole dorsal line curved, apex shortly erect. Upper lip usually undivided, lower lip with subequal lobes, limb glabrous or sparingly glandular-pilose. Stamens inserted 4-6 mm above corolla base, abundantly pilose below, glandular-pilose above, anthers acuminate and shortly apiculate. Style glandular-pilose, stigma waxyyellow. Fl. 6-8. Usually on Centaurea and Echinops, 750-2600 m.

Europe, S.W., C. & E. Asia.

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Ekrem Yıldırım

  • 105
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