Ophrys schulzei


Ophrys schulzei


Dağ ablamutu
Plants slender, 25-65 cm. Leaves 4-5, erecto-patent. Flowers small, 4-14, on lax spike. Sepals reflexed, 9-11 mmrose or violet-rose. Petals minute, c. 2 mmvelvety near base, papillose towards apex, rose-violet. Labellum deeply 3-lobed; lateral lobes large, forming obtuse cones, maroon-purple and villous outside, whitish and glabrous inside; middle lobe strongly convex, appearing globose-inflated, c. 6 mm, with glabrous, greenish-yellow, deflexed appendix; speculum occupying whole middle lobe, surrounding an oblong, velvety area in centre and variously diverging towards both sides. Column with apiculate connective. Fl. 4-5. Limestone slopes, open Quercus forest and scrub, mountain pastures, 500-1500 m.
Syria, Lebanon, N. Iraq, S.W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element.
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