Linum olympicum
Linum olympicum
Uludağ keteni
Suffruticose perennial with very twiggy, procumbent base, and numerous sterile shoots. Flowering stems slender, procumbent or ascending, 7-20 x 0.5-1 mm, adpressed-pilose. Median cauline leaves elliptical-oblong, acute, 1-3-nerved, adpressed-pilose or subsericeous , 9-22 x 1.75-3.75 mm, upper leaves with or without a few marginal glands; lower leaves and those of sterile shoots spathulate-elliptical or oblanceolate, acute. Cymes 1-7-flowered, contracted and often with ± monochasial branches. Outer sepals ovate-lanceolate, subacuminate, 5-10 mm. Petals 25-30 mm, lavender-blue, claw 1/3 as long as limb. Capsule 5-6 mm. Fl. 6-8. Rocky limestone slopes, screes, ledges, edge of Pinus brutia forest, 800-2400 m.