Teucrium odontites
Teucrium odontites
Perennial. Stems 10-15 cm, simple or sparsely branched, procumbent, spreading-pubescent, hairs shorter than diam. of stem. Leaves ovate-orbicular, rounded or truncate at base, apex subacute, sparsely pubescent to subglabrous above, hispidulous below, crenate-dentate with only c. 3 teeth on each side. Inflorescence occasionally subpaniculate at base, racemes lax, few-flowered. Bracts narrowly elliptic, subequal to pedicels or shorter. Pedicels as long as calyces or longer. Calyx 4 mm, pubescent, bilabiate to 1/3. Corolla purple, twice as long as calyx. Fl. 6. Crevices of vertical rocks.
Endemic. E. Medit. element. Close to T. montbretii subsp. pamphylicum, but distinguished by its shorter indumentum, shorter racemes and fewer leaf teeth.