Stachys megalodonta

Stachys megalodonta

Ssp mardinensis: Gevrek deliçay; Ssp megalodonta:

Ssp mardinensis:

Suffrutescent perennial. Flowering stems 12-30 cm, erect to pendent, fragile at base, branched, sparsely or densely retrorse-pubescent with short eglandular hairs and sessile glands. Cauline leaves ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 0.5-2.8 x 0.4-1.9 cm, crenate-dentate, apex acute, rarely obtuse, base subcordate to cuneate, petiole 0.2-0.5 cm. Floral leaves subsessile to sessile, similar to but smaller than cauline, as long as or longer than verticillasters. Verticillasters 1-2.5 cm apart, 6-8-flowered. Bracteoles linear to lanceolate, 3-8 mm, pilose, not spinescent at tip. Pedicels 1-2mm. Calyx ±regular, tubular to infundibular, 9-12 mm, sparsely pubescent; teeth lanceolate-subulate, not spinescent-tipped, ± as long as tube. Corolla lemon yellow, 12-15 mm, tube subexserted. Nutlets oblong, trigonous, 2.2 x 1.3 mm, slightly winged near base. Fl. 6-8. Sloping limestone and schistose rocks and cliff crevices, 1000-2550 m.

Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element.

Ssp megalodonta: 

Suffrutescent, many stemmed, perennial. Flowering stems, 20-35 cm, fragile, branched, ascending –erect, densely covered by sessile to short stalked glandular hairs mixed with retrorse hirsute hairs. Cauline leaves ovate, 12–32 x 8–25 mm, bisserrate or crenate–serrate at margin, acute at apex, cordate at base, covered by sessile to short stalked glandular hairs mixed with appressed hirsute, petiole subsessile to 15 mm. Floral leaves similar to cauline leaves but smaller, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, the lower longer than verticillasters, the upper equal verticillasters, margin biserrate to subentire, apex acute or acuminate, base subcordate to truncate or cuneate. Verticillasters 2–7, the lower 1–3 often remote, the upper spicate, short ovate to oblong, congested, 4–12 flowered. Bracteoles linear – setaceous, 1,5–12 mm. Pedicels 0.5–1 mm. Calyx ± regular, subcampanulate, 10–12 mm, densely covered by sessile to short stalked glandular hairs mixed with sparsely hirsute hairs; teeth  subequal, lanceolate – subulate, 4–6 mm, equal or slightly longer than calyx tube, erect, softly spinescent. Corolla pale yellow, 12–17 mm; tube included in calyx, annulate; limb bilabiate, upper lip purple 2 – lined inside, 4–5 mm, pubescent outside, the lower 3– lobed, middle lobe longer than 2 lateral lobes, purple marked inside, 6–10 mm, retuse. Style not exceeding the upper lip, 2 branched; branches subequal. Stamens 4, included in corolla, anthers dithecous; thecae divaricate; filaments usually with a few swolen hairs near the region of attachment with corolla tube and flatten. Nutlets oblong – ovate, faintly trigonous, slightly winged near base, apex obtuse, base truncate, tuberculate, blackish brown, 2–2.5 x 1.3–1.5 mm.


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