Centaurium erythraea
Centaurium erythraea
Ssp erythraea: Kırmızı kantaron; Ssp rhodense: Gelindüğmesi; Ssp rumelicum: Kantariye; Ssp turcicum: Tukulotu
Usually biennial with a distinct basal rosette. Stem 5-50 cm, corymbosely branched above. Basal leaves obovate to elliptical, 3-7-veined, uppermost linear. Flowers sessile or shortly pedicellate. Calyx 3-7 mm, ½ - ¾ x corolla tube. Corolla pink to purple, rarely white; tube 6-11 mm, lobes 4-9 mm. - A complex species in need of further investigation, with 4 subspecies occurring in Turkey.
1. Corolla lobes 5-9 mm, more than ½ x tube; capsule distinctly exceeding calyx; upper part of stems, bracts and calyces ± scabrid ...........subsp. rhodense
1· Corolla lobes usually less than 6 mm, c. ½ x tube; capsule slightly longer than calyx
2. Corolla lobes usually 2,5-5 mm; inflorescence lax; annual ......................subsp. rumelicum
2. Corolla lobes usually 4-6 mm; inflorescence fairly dense; usually biennial
3. Upper parts of stems, margins of bracts and calyces ± scabrid ....subsp. turcicum
3. Stems, bracts and calyces smooth ..................................subsp. erythraea