Vicia monantha

Vicia monantha

Yazı baklası
subsp. monantha.
Sparingly adpressed-pilose annual, 20-55 cm, procumbent to erect. Leaflets 4-8-paired, 5-25 x 1-5 mm, narrowly linear to oblanceolate or oblong-elliptic; stipules semi-hastate-bipartite to sparsely dentate; tendrils simple or branched. Peduncle shorter than leaf but longer or shorter than the 1-3 flowers: Flowers 10-15 mm, violet to blue. Calyx 5-6 mm, somewhat gibbous, with an oblique mouth, pubescent; teeth distinctly shorter than tube, unequal, triangular-lanceolate. Standard with limb rather shorter than claw. Legume oblong-linear, 20-35 x 6-8,5 mm, slightly torulose, glabrous. Seeds 4-6, hilum 1/6 of perimeter. 2n = 14. Fl. 4-5. Fallow and cultivated fields, phrygana, 900-1300 m.
Distribution of species: Mediterranean area, S.W. Asia. 
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