Medicago murex
Medicago murex
Dişlek yonca
var. murex
Annual, 10-30 cm, usually glabrous. Stipules laciniate or dentate-Iaciniate. Leaflets 7-15 x 5-12 mm, cuneate, upper sometimes obovate, apex retuse with a terminal tooth. Peduncle short, 1-2-flowered, about equal to corresponding leaf. Flower 3-5 mm. Calyx teeth as long as tube. Corolla less than 2 x calyx. Young fruit contracted within calyx. Fruit spherical to ovoid, 6-12 mm high, spiny, glabrous, coils 5-9, diam. of middle coils 4-10 mm; in mature pods coils hardened, up to 1-1,5 mm thick, strongly adpressed, their limits sometimes hardly distinguishable; surface of coils with few slightly arched, unbranched radial veins, terminating in a veinless submarginal border ½ radius of coil; spines with thick base inserted at 180° to surface of coil near the dorsal suture, 0,5-2 mm long, not constant in any single fruit. Fl. 4-5.
Mediterranean area. Medit. element.