Dorycnium rectum
Dorycnium rectum
Deli kaplanotu
Perennial herb or small sub-shrub. Stems 35-50 cm, sparsely adpressed pubescent. Leaves with a distinct rachis, 5-11 mm; leaflets 15-38 x 5-21 mm, obovate to obovate-oblong, sparsely adpressed pubescent or glabrescent; internodes 1,5-9 cm. Inflorescence 20-40-flowered, peduncles 3-13 cm. Flowers 4-7 mm, white or pink; pedicels equalling calyx tube or somewhat longer, 2-3 mm, longer in fruit; calyx 2,5-5 mm, pilose, calyx-teeth subulate, 1,5 x longer than tube. Legume 8-14 x 1-2 mm, linear- cylindrical, shining, valves contorting at maturity. Seeds 5-8. Fl. 5-7. Damp and bushy places, 100-730 m.
Mediterranean area. Medit. element. New material is needed on the exact distribution of this shade-loving species in Turkey.