Rhododendron ungernii

Rhododendron ungernii

 Beyaz kumar

Aromatic evergreen shrub or small tree, to 7 m; young stems canescent; terminal bud c. 3 cm. Petiole 1-1,5 cm; lamina ± obovate, 7,5-19 x 3-4,8 cm, tomentose beneath, coriaceous. Inflorescence 12-24-flowered, axis 3,5-6 cm; bracts and bracteoles 3-4 cm; pedicels 3-4 cm, with dense, glandular hairs. Calyx lobes 4-9 mm. Corolla white to pale rose with darker veins, infundibular-campanulate, c. 3 cm across, sparsely glandular-pubescent outside, pubescent near base inside, tube c. 2 cm; lobes 1,5-2 cm, rounded or slightly retuse, upper with green dots. Stamens 10. Ovary with dense glandular and stiff non-glandular hairs; style c. 2 cm, glabrous. Capsule c. 1, cm; seeds c. 1,7 mm. Fl. 6-8. Usually in Picea forest, sometimes with Fagus or in Rhododendron scrub, 1000-2000m.
Georgia . Euxine element. 
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