Pyrola rotundifolia

Pyrola rotundifolia


All leaves ± radical; petioles usually much longer than lamina, 2-8 cm; lamina ± orbicular, 2-5 cm broad, margin crenulate. Inflorescence 8-20-flowered, scape to 30 cm, usually with a few bracts; pedicels to 6 mm; bracts to 8 mm. Flowers positionally zygomorphic. Calyx lobes c. 3 mm, triangular. Corolla white, ± rotate, 1-1,5 cm broad. Stamens 10, filaments c. 3 mm, anthers 2-2,3 mm. Ovary 5-locular; style c. 5 mm, strongly curved, with an expanded rim below small, erect stigma lobes. Fl. 7-8. Abies forest and Rhododendron scrub, 1350-2100m.
Europe S. to N. Spain, N. Italy, Bulgaria and Crimea, Caucasia, N. Iran, W. Asia. Euro-Sib. element.
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